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The Following Individuals and Departments can be reached via e-mail, by using first initial and last name,* or by dialing (603) 225-6700 or Toll Free at 877-231-7200.    If a particular individual or department is not listed below please use the Bank's general mailbox address
* NOTICE: Information sent via e-mail is at risk of loss of confidentiality.  We do not recommend sending confidential information such as addresses, social security numbers, or account numbers. 
Location Address City   Telephone Toll Free Fax Number
Trust Department 91 North State Street Concord NH 03301 225-6700 877-231-7200 228-6976
Bow Office 503 South Street Bow NH 03304 225-6700 877-231-7200 226-7648
Contoocook Office 35 Kearsarge Ave Contoocook NH 03229 746-6713 877-231-7200 746-6729
Concord Office 190 North Main Street Concord NH 03301 225-6700 877-231-7200 223-0641
Bow Mills Mortgage Center 91A North State Street Concord NH 03301 228-6689  800-239-0223 223-0991
Name Title Extension Name Title Extension
Acebron, Maria Computer Operator               6006 Kangas, Lana  Teller - Bow


Ball, Jessica Teller - Contoocook 6053 Leavitt, Paul  VP/ Trust Officer


Bennert, Don SVP/Sr Loan Officer 6032 Levesque, Gail Accounting Clerk 6012
Berube, Jeannine Accounting Clerk 6014 Lorden, Linda  Sr VP/ Sr Retail & Ops Officer 6013
Bohman, Sean Asst. Manager- Contoocook 6051 Lovenbury, Dorsey AVP/Loan Administration & Servicing 6034
Boissy, Danielle   Teller - Concord 6030 MacDonald, Eric Credit Analyst 6035
Cantara,  Virginia Teller - Bow 6000 Martin, Ray SVP/ Financial Services 6076
Collins, Gerri Asst. Branch Manager - Bow 6003 Paradice, Lois  operations / acd operator 6016
Constantino, Mark Mortgage Specialist 6062 Perron, Kim Human Resource Manager


Cormier, Sheila  Tech & Marketing Coordinator 6004 Place, Kim Investment Services Admin Assistant 6017
Couch, Bob  VP Tech  & Communications 6005 Pucci, Anthony  Sr VP/ Sr. VP, Chief Financial Officer 6018
Cross, Karen VP Commercial Lending 6043 Pvirre, Brenda Teller- Bow 6000
Cummings, Lisa  AVP / Sr. Retail Manager 6007 Robillard, Todd  Senior Teller Manager  6030
Deegan, Theresa  AVP/ Bank Operations Officer 6008 Robinson, Michelle Accounting Clerk 6015
Demers, Linda Jo Personal Banker - Bow 6009 Samuelsen, Laurie Investment Services 6019
Dingman, Judy  Mortgage Specialist 6060 Sandler, Suzi Mortgage Processor 6065
Dodsworth, Ellen Teller - Contoocook 6053 Shea, Daniele Trust Dept. - Admin Asst. 6077
Douglas, Fran  Branch Manager - Concord 6036 Shipley, Lois Mortgage Processor 6064
Dow, Ann  VP / Residential Lending Manager  6061 Skabo, Sean Branch Manager - Contoocook 6050
Dupuis, Abby Teller - Bow 6001 Strycharz, Sarah Internal Control Specialist  6021
Drociak, Ginny Asst. Branch Manager - Concord 6039 Taylor, Jessica Teller - Contoocook


Fletcher, Annette Mortgage Specialist 6063 Threlfall, Brandi Loan Servicing II 6042
Griswold, Beverly Teller - Concord 6031 Torre, Barbara  Mortgage Coordinator 6038
Grogan, Cheryl Teller - Concord 6031 Virr, Allan  Compliance Officer 6041
Harmon, Mike  Assistant Vice President 6037 Vlahos, Mike  VP/ Commercial Loans 6040
Hathcoat, Tom Facilities Manager 6011 Weismann, Fred Sr VP/Commercial Loan Officer 6033
Jasie, Matt  Teller - Bow              6001 Winship, Peter  President/CEO 6022
Jones, Donna  Teller Manager- Bow             6001 Wright, Julie Teller Manager- Contoocook 6052
  Zattler, Nancy Residential Mortgage Underwriter 6068

503 South Street, Bow NH
190 North Main Street, Concord NH
35 Kearsarge Avenue, Contoocook NH
(603) 225.6700     or    1.877.231.7200
Serving the Greater Concord NH area

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Oct. 24, 2005