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Trust / Investment Services
We offer a broad range of trust, investment and retirement services and plans through our Investment Services Department including profit sharing, pension and retirement plans for small businesses and professionals.
24 Hour Bank Line
Bank Line accesses your accounts through our automated telephone banking service to check account activity, make transfers between accounts or loan payments.
Merchant MasterCard / Visa Services
Competitively priced processing is available.
ACH / Wire Transfers
Allows electronic transfer of  funds to third parties. 
Bank@Work accounts can be offered as a benefit to employees at no cost to the employer.
Night Drop Depository
Night Drop Depository provides the convenience of making deposits during our non business hours.
CDARs Program
Do you have more than $100,000 to invest  in Certificates of Deposit? Now your large CD deposits could be eligible for full FDIC insurance through our new Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service sm   CDARs Program Rates
Bow Mills OnLine for businesses
Discover the easiest, most convenient way to manage your finances with internet banking. Bow Mills OnLine provides convenient and secure access to many bank services.

503 South Street, Bow NH
 190 North Main Street, Concord NH
 35 Kearsarge Avenue, Contoocook NH
 (603) 225.6700     or    1.877.231.7200
 Serving the Greater Concord NH area

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