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Introducing Premier NOW
With a $5,000.00 combined average collected daily balance on all your Bow Mills Bank and Trust deposit accounts (CD, IRA, Money Market, Savings, or Checking), you are eligible for all the benefits of Premier NOW
No monthly service fee 
No transaction fee 
No Bow Mills ATM fee 
No charge for our standard checks 
PLUS, a bonus rate on your CD (s) ** 

Premier NOW. It's your money. 
 Turn up the volume at Bow Mills Bank and Trust.

If your combined average collected daily balance falls below $5,000, a $10.00  fee is charged for that month. 
No minimum balance requirement on your Premier NOW account to earn interest. 
** CD bonus rate is available when you open or renew your CD. 
Bonus rates are not to be combined with The 13 Month Premier CD.  Fees could reduce your earnings. 

503 South Street, Bow NH
  190 North Main Street, Concord NH
  35 Kearsarge Avenue, Contoocook NH
  (603) 225.6700     or    1.877.231.7200
  Serving the Greater Concord NH area


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