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Do you have more than $100,000 to invest
in Certificates of Deposit?

Now your large CD deposits could be eligible for full FDIC insurance through
our new Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service
sm (CDARS sm ). *

With CDARS, we can place your large deposits into smaller denomination CDs at multiple institutions. With this service, we can offer you significant benefits.

  • The safety of FDIC insurance for your full deposit.*

  • CD interest rates based on the maturity lengths you choose.

  • The security of working with a trusted, local source.

Although your funds are distributed among CDs from other banks and thrifts, your personal information is protected. Your CDs are identified only by a tracking number; other financial institutions can't intrude upon the relationship you have established with us.


  • Corporations

  • Small-business owners

  • Public-sector groups

  • Nonprofit organizations

Let us help you open an account quickly and conveniently. Stop by one of our offices today, or call your Personal Banker for an appointment.

Up to $20 million per depositor.  $4 million limitation applies for the first week’s transaction. Check with your Personal Banker for current limitations and details.

Funds may be submitted for placement through CDARS only after a depositor enters into the CDARS Deposit Placement Agreement with Bow Mills Bank and Trust. (BMBT) The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by BMBT through CDARS. Please read the agreement carefully before signing it.

Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service sm 2003 Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC

503 South Street, Bow NH
  190 North Main Street, Concord NH
  35 Kearsarge Avenue, Contoocook NH
  (603) 225.6700     or    1.877.231.7200
  Serving the Greater Concord NH area


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