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Statement Savings Account    Student Savings Program
Minimum deposit to open...............
Monthly maintenance fee............... 
ATM card available......................
Interest rate paid ..........................
Minimum balance to earn interest..
Fees waived for those accounts which maintain an average daily balance of $100 or more during the statement period. Customers under the age of 18 are exempt from monthly service fees. Statements are issued quarterly.
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account.  The interest rate and annual percentage yield are included in the rate chart.  Interest will be compounded and credited to the account monthly.
$ 25
$ 1
$ 100
Minimum deposit to open .........
Monthly maintenance fee ..........
ATM card available...................
Interest rate paid .................... 
Minimum balance to earn interest...

This savings account is offered through participating schools only. This voluntary program gives students the opportunity to open and maintain a savings account while at school. 
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account.  The interest rate and (APY)  annual percentage yield are included in the rate chart  Interest will be compounded and credited to the account monthly.
Transaction Limitations: The minimum deposit amount is $.50  There is a $1 minimum balance to maintain the account.
$ 1
$ 1
Holiday Club Savings Accounts    Premier Money Market  Account
Minimum deposit to open ...............
Monthly maintenance fee ............... 
Interest rate paid  .......................... 
Minimum balance to earn interest......
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account. The interest rate and annual percentage yield are included in the rate chart.  Interest will be compounded and credited to the account monthly.
We offer coupon books as well as direct deposits for our holiday clubs.
$ 3
$ 3
Monthly maintenance fee ..........................
Excess third party check or pre-authorized Debit....

Interest rate paid .....................................
The monthly maintenance fee is waived for those accounts which maintain an average daily balance of $1,000.00 or more during the statement period.  There are no other fee exceptions available.
Rate Information: Interest is paid on average daily balance*  Interest is compounded and credited monthly. Variable rates are subject to change monthly. 
$ 10

$ 20
Premier Savings Accounts 
Minimum deposit to open...............
Monthly maintenance fee............... 
ATM card available......................
Interest rate paid ..........................
Minimum balance to earn interest..
Combined statements are issued monthly with checking account.
Rate Information: This account is an interest bearing account.  The interest rate and annual percentage yield are included in the rate chart.  Interest will be compounded and credited to the account monthly.
Federal regulations stipulate that a total of ( 6) six Pre-authorized or automatic transfer withdrawals to third parties may be made per statement period, including not more than three third party checks, draft, debit card, or similar order. Transactions above this number will be assessed a fee.  Unlimited over the counter withdrawals may be made.  Premier Money Market Accounts are available to individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, municipalities and non-profit organizations.
December 01,  2005

503 South Street, Bow NH
  190 North Main Street, Concord NH
  35 Kearsarge Avenue, Contoocook NH
  (603) 225.6700     or    1.877.231.7200
  Serving the Greater Concord NH area


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